From time to time, we come across websites that contain very valuable information. We're posting some of them here to aid in your studies. Links are being added frequently, so be sure and check back often. Additionally, our Church Library contains many sets of commentaries and resource books, as well as a large collection of electronic theological documents!
Hall of Church History: The Anabaptists – if you like Church History (and really, who doesn't?) then you'll love this place. A very good summation of the movement is at the top. Scroll down for some great links to full confessional documents and other resources.
Bible Sprout – a beautifully designed evangelical website focused on providing the best information about Christianity, and providing users the ability to go deeper in their faith. Tons of information on everything from "Who Jesus Is," to "How to Pray." The goal of the site is to provide users with the answers to the questions that the world will ask, and helping people evolve their faith. – a beautiful site containing a wealth of resources, put together by the C.S. Lewis Society. Not to be confused with... – a more cutting edge look at the science/art of Apologetics. Many contemporary resources reside here.
CARM (Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry) – incredibly rich site with information for use in practical evangelism and every day ministry. I'd start here, first.
Biblical Archaeology Review – some interesting stuff, here. Online news, articles and opinion pieces.
Bible History Online – a staggering amount of information, maps, images and articles. Be sure and read the "About Us" section, especially his disclaimer. That being said...have fun!
An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Rulers and their Families – because you never know when you'll need it!
The Moabite Stone (Stele of Mesha) - a translation of the text of the Moabite Stone in Phoenician, Hebrew, and English. This stone (created c. 843 B.C., and discovered in 1868) contains descriptions of the events of 2 Kings 3 -- albeit from a decidedly pro-Moabite point of view!
The Law of the Hebrew Slave: Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy - a source-critical examination from a rabbinic-scholarly point of view.
Doré Bible Illustrations – "French artist Gustave Doré (1832-1883) produced hundreds of quality Bible story illustrations in his lifetime." (Pastor's Note: in the absence of biblical photography, this may be the next best thing!)
Guidestone Financial Resources - an arm of the SBC, Guidestone offers financial services guided by Christian values.
The Reformed Reader – a treasure trove of Baptist History, with full documents.
Baptist Roots – another site with links to immense collections of historical data.
Baptist History and Heritage Society – not SBC, but a good starting point.
The Southern Baptist Convention – the Big Kahuna.
The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention – the somewhat smaller Kahuna.
BIBLE STUDY / DEVOTION – the first online resource allowing visitors who are visually impaired an equal opportunity to hear the Gospel of Christ.
Grace to You – All things John MacArthur. You could do worse...
E-sword – extremely potent Bible software – FREE – and availablefor download!
Free Bible Software – as the name implies. You have to pick around for the free stuff, but there is some good stuff here.
StudyLight – a decent general Bible study site with some good study resources and online Bibles. A decent starting place.
Blue Letter Bible – this your first stop, then see where it leads you. – home of the "Net Bible" and many, many biblical resources.
The Writings of Tertullian – Tertullian was an early Christian polemicist/apologist who was known as the "Bull of Carthage" for his attacks against heretics of the faith.
(WARNING!If you backtrack to the parent site of this page, you will encounter a staggering amount of early Christian writings, MUCH OF WHICH IS NOT ORTHODOX AND OUTSIDE OF CHRISTIAN CANON. Tertullian is worth the read, however...) – put out by the fine folks at Christianity Today, this is a GREAT site with a wealth of history resources. Dodge the pop-ups and the sale offers, and you have stumbled upon a wealth of information!
The Christian Post – An excellent online newspaper blending both faith and news,
SRN News – "Breaking News for Christians," with links to their live radio feed.
Focus on the Family – The definitive resource for all things related to family and relationships. An incredible site!
Christianity Today – Good reading, here!
Blue Letter Bible Commentaries – a good general selection of commentaries spanning a couple of centuries. Don't look for highly text-critical stuff, here – but it is an excellent starting point. If you use this, be sure to take a moment and read their instructions at the bottom of the page.
Free Bible Commentary – if you don't like this, you are entitled to a full refund.
Classic Bible Commentaries – considerably older stuff, but comprehensive in scope. Henry, Darby, Giland others are represented here.
CARM Evangelism Page – an excellent starting point with a wide variety of articles from a highly trustworthy source.
Evangelism Explosion (EE) – the site for the highly successful evangelism program.
The Four Spiritual Laws in Your Language – a concise, clean online tract, available in virtually every known language. Email a link to a lost friend!
Effective – a wealth of resources + specific answers to questions. Easily indexed and user-friendly.
Online Greek Interlinear Bible - if you've never used an interlinear bible, you owe it to yourself to check this out.
Online Hebrew Interlinear Bible - see above! – an online Greek lexicon. Not the best in the world, but will do in a pinch!
Judaism 101 – A Glossary of Basic Jewish terms and concepts.
Audio Hebrew Bible – a verse by verse audio reading of the Hebrew Bible in .mp3 format. Divided nicely by chapter and book.
Animated Hebrew – possibly the best Hebrew tutorial site in existence. Keyed to Introducing Biblical Hebrew by Allen P. Ross (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Academic, 2001). Buy that textbook, work diligently through it with this site, and you will learn Biblical Hebrew.
Resources for Learning New Testament Greek – somewhat overwhelming at first glance, this site provides a LOT of comprehensive materials that will help the self-learner. Beginners should click the "Learn Greek" link and proceed in order.
Holy Week Timeline – a secular site, but a very good basic timline of the events of Holy Week, along with Scripture citations.
NT Resources – this is an individual professor's site, but it is very, very deep with thesis papers, bibliographies and other good stuff. Worth exploring!
C.S. Lewis – "Mere Christianity" – This should be required reading of everyone who professes to be a Christian. This is the complete text of Lewis' masterwork.
Christian Classics Ethereal Libraries – an incredible collection of full works online, such as Augustine's Confessions;Religious Affectations, by Jonathan Edwards; The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas a Kempis; and tons more!
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Gateway Baptist Theological Seminary
New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
The Society of Biblical Literature
The Evangelical Theological Society
Blue Letter Bible Study Tools – Yahtzee!
Bible Maps – A free collection of biblical maps, charts, and timelines.
(...but will one day have a category of its own!)
Seah Conversion Tool - convert the OT measurement of a seah (1 Samuel 25:18) to anything you want! (There are other uses for this, too!)
The Way of the Heathen: A Brief History of Halloween – a pretty succinct explanation of why I don't celebrate Halloween and encourage others to do likewise.
The Barna Group – welcome to the wonderful world of Christian statistics. If you don't like what you see, feel free to change the world.
The Spurgeon Archive – all things Charles Haddon Spurgeon! – a search engine boasting over 150 million books for sale. Highly recommended by people who know.
Religious Writing Resources – Is writing your gift? While website design may not exactly be these people's gift, they have assembled a hugeindex covering a variety of Christian writing resources.
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